Thursday, October 31, 2013

Hoping to stay alive long enough for miss pac-man to save me?

Seeing this story on CNN a few weeks ago created a mental image for me I can't get rid of - waiting for nano-particles to be created to deliver the anti-cancer treatment directly to the bad cancer cells leaving my healthy cells healthy. Brings me to thinking about a little miss pac-man type cell eating up all the cancer cells, chomping through my body, finding all the cancer cells and leaving me healthy again. I so want to be healthy again, tired of being sick, of all the side effects of medication, limitations on my life. My desire for a steaming hot cup of starbucks de-cafe cappuccino with steamed low-fat milk is overwhelming, something I can dream about, and get jealous about when I see others drinking hot liquids, so hoping the research that is ongoing since 1974 becomes prime-time soon before my body is damaged beyond repair.

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