numbers - was always not very good at math thanks to a form of dyslexia which caused me to reverse numbers and wasn't diagnosed until I was 30. Once I realized the problem I found ways to work around it and wasn't so afraid of math and numbers anymore but know I can't think numbers when I am tired or distracted, but love numbers to break things down, to really present things in a way that matters. So here are today's numbers:
29 - my CA 125 - at 29 back in normal range again after five treatments, pretty amazing.
24 - how many chemotherapy treatments I have had during the last 18 months
58 - how many times they have stuck me (through the power port) for blood, chemo, ct scans and so on. Thank goodness for the port so I don't look like a junkie with track marks in my arms and collapsed veins.
3 - haircuts since diagnosis. 1 to cut my hair off thinking it would fall out and 2 to shape it while it grows back
0 - times I have colored my hair since this odyssey began
31 - that is the median number of months for overall survival of stage 3c ovarian cancer. at 18 months I am well past half way, but not really believing that I could be dead in 12 or 13 months. that doesn't seem real to me since I look good (as everyone tells me) and I feel reasonably well in spite of exhaustion etc.
20 the number of years I practiced law until diagnosis but that is finished now, over and done. maintaining my licenses but definitely too sick to work.
50 the number of scarves i have made since diagnosis.
3 the number of blankets I have made since diagnosis.
4 the number of needlepoint pillows I have made since diagnosis.
will have to come up with some new numbers soon as these evolve and change.
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