Monday, December 30, 2013

Prematurely aging skin

For so many years I have been vain about my hair and skin.  No matter if I was overweight or slim, these were two constants, good hair (thick, lion hair) and my skin (smooth, no major wrinkles as I am aging).  Cancer has definitely affected both.  Now that I no longer color my hair, it is just wild and dry looking.  Thanks to Doxil, and its substantial side effects on skin and mucus membranes, my skin is even worse, so delicate like someone living in a nursing home and watching for bedsores.  One night recently I accidently slept on a wrinkle in my soft flannel sheets and woke up bruised and scraped.  With Avastin and how it affects healing, my hip is still healing, scabs still there.   My feet are peeling, hands dried and wrinkled, as if I was 80 rather than 54.  My face still looks good, but that is probably thanks to good makeup and skin care and staying out of the sun.  Everything is just dry and tired like the rest of me inside and out.  Still waiting for the chocolate cake cure.

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