Sunday, December 15, 2013

Runny nose avastin style

Somedays I feel like my grandmother with a tissue or handkerchief up her sleeve in her sweater sets as I walk around always with a tissue in my hand, pocket, sleeve for the perpetually runny nose everyone gets from Avastin.  It dries up the abdominal fluids created by ovarian cancer but seems to create fluids everywhere else.  Peeing constantly, congested, blowing my nose constantly, bloody noses, headaches from the congestion.  Ah the joys of cancer and chemotherapy.  Still better than the alternative but can't someone come up with a better solution?  Seriously??? A real one that is a cure rather than a delay?  Haven't we been fighting the "war" on cancer since the 60s?  Not to say that progress hasn't been made but definitely not enough in this epidemic.

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