Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Must have during chemo

Yesterday was beginning of cycle 6, last carboplatinum treatment - yeah!!! 16 down, two to go, hard to believe this part will be over in two weeks, although the chemo nurse was telling me that this is really treated as a chronic disease now. So many women coming back for more and different treatments. Not fun. So last night I definitely was not feeling well, brain fog, etc. Yesterday in talking to the chemo nurse I was trying to tell her the four Fs one C concept I couldn't remember the last F - naturally that one was brain fog. Had to review my own blog to remember it. When I told her she and I got a good laugh from it. That said, during cancer, especially while on chemo, a must have is a small note pad which I carry in my purse and put by my bed to write down reminders etc. shopping lists and whatever I need because if I don't I definitely cannot remember even a minute later. Brain exhaustion.

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