Sunday, November 18, 2012

Cancer is definitely not sexy.

Even though I still have hair on my head, cancer and treatment for cancer is definitely not sexy. Can't feel sexy while going through this. Almost no eyebrows left. Losing eyelashes. Very little pubic hair. I'm told this is all normal, especially losing all body hair, but it is not attractive and not conducive to feeling my usual sexy dynamic self. Not a turn to myself or D. Hormones - what are those? After surgery and chemo, definitely not having hormones that are normal. Friday night going to sleep at 8:00 p.m. after five days on steroids, and 4-5 hours of sleep per night, I just crash. Exhausted, Saturday night was not much better, making it to 9:00 p.m. but at least today we were able to take a drive to do a little shopping and eat lunch out. 30 more days to finish.

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