Wednesday, November 14, 2012

post-Hurricane Sandy, snow, with hair - CA 125 at 12

We have now survived Hurricane Sandy, Noreaster Athena, 10 days of no power, heating house off inverter system with truck running it for a few hours a day, throwing out food (always upsetting), no laundry, getting septic system pumped in middle of it all and so on. I know we were better off then many, but it was a difficult time to be in bed after chemo not being able to eat properly, heat up food easily etc. Still have hair, but almost no eyebrows on either side now. Hair seems to be thinning on top, finding more on my clothes, pillows etc, but Hallie the wig has still not gone out of the house, and only six weeks left to go. I keep reading blogs and researching about post-chemo life, how long it takes to get back energy, focus etc, but not much help. Statistics don't look great, but I try not to focus on mortality. Brca1 is better than no Brca for survival rates with ovarian cancer but Brca2 is even better. Go figure. Just trying to get through next six weeks and get on a plane back to France.

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