Monday, July 23, 2012

So a husband gets to give his wife shots and . . .

As a former domestic violence prosecutor, I spent much time and energy fighting abuse. And that said, I certainly know plenty of people who would be happy to be allowed to inflict pain on their significant others, fortunately my husband is not one of them. But in coming through the surgery and its aftermath, we learned that I would have to be taking shots for more than 30 days of an anti-clotting drug, every day. As D. is an MS patient and self-injects his medication, I immediately nominated him to give me the shots. I was definitely not into doing it myself in my depleted state, post-surgery. So, I gave him a license to inflict pain, although he tried not to, some nights it was horrible, as the medication burned going through my legs, and leaving me black and blue. He was rather relieved when it was all over.

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