Sunday, July 26, 2015

Saving money with cancer?

Cancer costs, costing time, energy, loss of income, medical bills etc.  But it can also save money.  I think of all the things I've given up.  I almost never drink starbucks.  I hardly eat.  I have done my own nails and feet for more than two years, since doxil and avastin and fear of infections.  I have done my own hair color for years before cancer, now I haven't had a haircut in almost 8 months since it fell out and is growing back. Before then I was rarely cutting it since it was growing out, filling in, due to all the chemo and thinning.  I don't drive so am not spending money on gas.  I don't shop.  Buying is left to the internet.  Don't go out to dinner.  On and On, so much don't, can't, won't.  Stuck in my cancer box trying to break out but know I can't as there is no cure, just prolonging my time.


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