Sunday, November 2, 2014

Facing another birthday

Two years ago it was after Hurricane Sandy and we had no heat or electricity.  They pumped me full of carbo and taxol.  I was thinking, just a few more weeks until December 18, then it will be over probably for a year or two.  I wasn't go back to work but thinking I would have some time to recoup and regroup and relax before gearing up for the next round.  Instead I only got five months.  Now I face a clinical trial next week, the day before my birthday.  Like with all these drugs, it isn't that it will cure me, but may extend my life to a few more birthdays.  This one will be my third with cancer. Last year was as much chocolate cake as I could eat.  This year may be apple pie since I think I would throw up from cake.  I will be in New Haven in a hotel next to the hospital.  Hoping to survive another year, and how exceeding the CDC/NIH and other cancer group numbers.

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