Thursday, June 20, 2013

Onto the second line treatment - a professional patient.

Two down, four more to go, Avastin and Doxil. CA125 actually went down a little to 390 which we didn't expect at all. We were expecting it to go up for a few treatments before it declined. So maybe this is good. I keep thinking how much work it is to have cancer or other chronic diseases, to keep up on medications, manage symptoms and side effects, and try to stay alive and reasonably healthy in the meantime. Second line treatment - when the first line doesn't work, or doesn't work long enough, well enough. Some websites call it "salvage treatment" - does it mean we're garbage because the first line didn't work? Does it mean this is just to save us, maybe get some extra time but it really isn't going to work? That is a term that needs to be exorcized from the cancer lexicon. So, I'll keep icing my hands and feet, avoiding hot liquids and foods, and see where we end up in NOvember and December.

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