Sunday, June 23, 2013

I'm tired - so sang Madeline Kahn

I was thinking of this song yesterday, Madeline Kahn in Blazing Saddles, one of the great comedies of Mel Brooks and one which never would get made today. She was hilarious and so talented and died too young at 58, of course from Ovarian Cancer after only one year from diagnosis. I was feeling so tired and I'm sure she felt tired at the end, as do I, a week after chemo, I am just exhausted, pushing myself to eat something but having difficulty finding something worth eating. I suppose I would feel grateful to make it to age 58, but it is a long road to get there, another five years, and I just don't know if it is feasible, much less if I have the strength to get that far, one day at a time. So, I'm just tired.

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