Friday, June 19, 2015

A bionic woman

It becomes harder and harder to write as more brain cells get fried - only 60 chemo done.  But I feel rather bionic  when I consider all the surgeries and chemo.  Three weeks ago had to add another surgery to my list, installation of an abdominal drain to take out ascites with so it would not have to be done in the hospital.  Douglas is skilled enough he can do the drainage and rebandage me.  I look at my body and realize that other than my brain fried by chemo, I have surgery everywhere except my right arms and my legs.  Tiring.  Realizing that if I had not started this process and illness very healthy and in good shape I would be in even greater trouble than I am, and probably dead already.  At least gemzar seems to be working and slowing this all down.  After that it will be lymparza as the last drug available to me which may help.  But need the FDA to approve something else soon to have in the line-up.  Bionic soon.


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