Thursday, August 29, 2013

life as empty nester with cancer

Now that empty nester status is official, I can say that there is an emptiness that goes along with it. Although my son has been away for summers in the past, somehow this is definitely different. His room is emptier, knowing that he won't be back in only a few weeks, knowing that he is at a different stage of life, makes this entirely new. Got confused at the supermarket the other day looking at food and knowing I was not buying it for him and having a much lighter load, probably by half. Knowing that our electric and gas bills will be reduced by at least a third. But also knowing that I only have so much time left but not knowing how much. Hoping I will live long enough to see him graduate from college but not knowing if I will. Have had some good news this week, finding out my CA 125 is down to 71 from a high of 420 before I started the current chemo, which I needed to hear after a bad migraine with nausea and vomiting only a few days earlier. So I continue on one day at a time, letting my son fly and enjoy his life, and trying to fill in the time. Food becoming way too important. Maybe I will be baking once a week, keep knitting (made several scarves, two shawls, several needlepoint pillows, blankets) but I have to find things to keep filling in for my time and whatever energy I have.

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