Tuesday, September 11, 2012

how many lives do I have?

On today, 9/11 I am always thinking about how lucky I was to be delayed that day and not get to NYC as planned at 9 a.m. at the WTC path station. So that was one life. Another near-death experience was the Northridge earthquake in 1993 in LA. A car accident in LA in 1993 which did a lot of damage to me physically. Stuck in a people traffic jam at the LA Olympics opening ceremony, which could have resulted in a riot, and getting crushed. Another people traffic jam which ended up in pushing and shoving, a near riot, at my college, and someone pulled me to safety. Hurricanes, blizzards, a domestic violence incident with a former boyfriend many years ago, it seems rather endless. And now, of course, Ovarian cancer - is this my ninth life? is this the end or is there more to go. Wish I had the crystal ball and could see the future so I could plan, make sure I accomplish all my goals by then. But it is not possible, so I will focus on the next five years and see where I end up.

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