Monday, September 17, 2012

Progress not perfection -CA125 level

Last week's blood test included CA 125 levels but the results were not in when I had chemo on Tuesday. My old bc(before cancer) self would have emailed and called the doctor and his staff to get the levels asap as I never take no for an answer and want what I want when I want it, but my dc (during cancer) self realized that nothing would change based on this level and I would get it today, and it didn't really make a difference in my life not knowing until today. So today when getting this week's blood level I was told it was down to 22.8. Definitely making progress and continuing the downward trend. It's all good.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

hair on my head but not other places?

Definitely not the same as before. Still have hair on my head, but not in my nose, on my face, on my arms, less on my legs, less pubic hair. but after 7 treatments, amazing. difficult week with fatigue, nausea, and sick teenager in the house. took everything out of me to drive him to doctor and get his medications, monitor him when I didn't want to get out of bed. dealing with school and them not wanting to accommodate him and me - really horrible. 95 days to go until treatment is over.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

how many lives do I have?

On today, 9/11 I am always thinking about how lucky I was to be delayed that day and not get to NYC as planned at 9 a.m. at the WTC path station. So that was one life. Another near-death experience was the Northridge earthquake in 1993 in LA. A car accident in LA in 1993 which did a lot of damage to me physically. Stuck in a people traffic jam at the LA Olympics opening ceremony, which could have resulted in a riot, and getting crushed. Another people traffic jam which ended up in pushing and shoving, a near riot, at my college, and someone pulled me to safety. Hurricanes, blizzards, a domestic violence incident with a former boyfriend many years ago, it seems rather endless. And now, of course, Ovarian cancer - is this my ninth life? is this the end or is there more to go. Wish I had the crystal ball and could see the future so I could plan, make sure I accomplish all my goals by then. But it is not possible, so I will focus on the next five years and see where I end up.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

B6 is working - radiculopathy

During the last cycle I began to have the numbness and tingling in my feet - otherwise known as radiculopathy, and some swelling in my hands. I've worked at keeping my feet elevated as much as possible, using a peppermint - tea tree oil foot creme and night, and tight heavy socks to put pressure on my feet and made them feel better, especially given my existing nerve damage. Based on my research, B6 was a recommended solution for some people and after checking with my doc, I started taking 100mg of B6 daily and it is definitely helping.

The tease week - with hair

Yup - still have hair. Although I could use a trim at this point, I keep waiting to see if it will fall out, and it's still in my head. So, had a good very busy week, but it really is all a tease. The tease of having a week where I feel pretty well, have energy, can eat vegetables and fruits, without nausea, and generally feel normal. But it is a tease because I know tomorrow I will go back to the hospital, have blood taken, and Tuesday will start again with kemosabe, and fatigue and nausea. Depressing.

Monday, September 3, 2012

One third finished - with hair

Yes, I still have hair after 6 treatments, and one third done, with 12 to go, about 100 days left if all goes well. Even if I lose it at this point, I would survive. Hallie - my wig - is still waiting for me. I call her that because every time I put her on, I look like my cousin Hallie (who I love), and it looks just like her hair cut and color. Wasn't too bad last week, fatigue, tingling in my feet and hands, but tolerable. Started B6 100 mg which is definitely helping. Looking forward to my week off, to get caught up, take a hot soaking bath, clear my brain out, then to start over again. The weird part of it all is that we learn to live with the treatment and the routine of it, the side effects and so on for six months, then it's over and you move on, but with the fear hinting at the back of your mind at all times that this could return on any day and then what? Will the science be better or different? Can they get this into remission a second time? It is all unknowable.